Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No-Tell-M- Creek

"Take XXX road and look for a lone juniper tree ; from there fish up-river,"  directions from Mike  Mathison aka "The Oracle." Okay, to be honest its never that simple with the Oracle, it also involves him jumping up and down, waving his arms from hell to breakfast and like type displays of joy and excitement. I did exactly what the Oracle instructed, and I went alone. I went with plans of fishing hard all day; and boy howdy did I ever. I arrived at the juniper tree about 10:00ish and yes-in-dee-dee I worked up-river.

The fish were small, but those little fish put a big smile on this boy's face.  The canyon was isolated and peaceful. My first plan of attack is to use a hopper dropper with a soft hackle as the dropper. I also using beetle patterns and Fat Alberts for the dry. Honestly I don't really  expect anything from the dry this time of year, I mostly use them as strike indicators--wrong! Some pretty good size fish give me the slow deliberate slurp. In my world of fly fishing I just doesn't get any better than seeing a nice brown slowly rise up and slurp my dry! Slightly less good is when they are just about to slurp it and something spooks them, and they reject it.

At any rate, I told the little woman that I was going to go forth, and not expect me until way past dark, which again is exactly what I did. I somehow pull myself out of the water to find the road.  I really put on some miles, and I had a long slow walk (most of it in the dark) back to the car. Not a soul was in the canyon; complete bliss! I spend all my days with people needing this thing or that, and to be alone even for half a day was the best part of this river. Dear God its nice to trade your cell phone in for the RIVER!

Thanks again Oracle!

Oh one more thing, if you know this river from the pics, your wrong its not that one...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mr. Wilson Rules!

The story will follow, but its safe to say Mr. Wilson kicks ass--but we already know that. Today he was the man on Holy Water. He caught fish, while I caught moss. Normally that would be fine, but this is my river man.

The good news was that "B"came with us again. I was not too attentive to her today, I was too busy spooking the fish, and kicking up moss. But none-the-less I love it when she joins in.