Saturday, October 19, 2013

Calf Creek

I take two types of trips, one with my wife and children; and fishing trips with buddies. I now know why I don’t try to combine the two—if you think an outing with the family will yield much fishing time—ahhhh no. Let me be genuinely honest; I don’t just seek fishing trips--I enjoy traveling with my family as much, or more than fishing (sorry dedicated blog and fly fishing fellow freaks). I’m not saying this because I think my wife or one of my girls will read this; I sincerely enjoy traveling with them as much as I like to take fishing trips.

This trip was planned by Melis; a little Southern Utah trip over the UEA weekend to enjoy a little sun and red rock. Southern Utah has become my new favorite and I just got back from my fall fishing trip with buddies, so I’m still getting over the fun of that last trip; plus all the roads an routes are still pretty fresh in my mind. You can’t blame me for wanting to re-wet the fly line—Right!

Oh my God Bryce Canyon—I now see why so many Europeans and Asians flock to the red rock hoodoos! I thought I have been there before; I may have when I was a kid. I am seriously getting addicted to southern Utah. Yes it has a lot to do with the new rivers I have found, and the lack of people fishing those lovely rivers. Of course it’s about the red rock; but even more it’s the vast openness and the almost endless plateau’s. I kept taking what the kids called “Darth Vader” breaths—you can just breathe, and I’m not talking about the air quality, it’s all that openness.

I have fished Panguich Creek once before, but not on this trip—boo-hoo. Moving right along the highway, Hwy 12 to be exact.  Another must, if you haven’t put the rubber to the pavement on Hwy 12 then you just need to! It gives you the full gambit; the extreme vast open and arid Escalante, blending into the climb up Boulder Mountain to almost 10,000 feet; with high pinion pine and aspens. You then drop down into Torrey and Capital Reef.

We hiked up to Calf Creek falls—about 3 miles up to the spectacular falls; stunning the whole way up. It is pretty mild, not requiring too much strain. Honestly I would rate this hike high up on my list. It’s always nice to have a destination, but the whole way up to the falls, you are rewarded with classic southern Utah red rock, with plenty of vegetation fed by calf creek lightly trickling down the canyon.

About halfway up I got peeks of the creek, unbelievably clear for a southern Utah river; which usually has a sort of murk to it due to the red rock—especially during high rains. Calf Creek has numerous little fish swimming about. I didn’t see anything over 12 inches, as I creeped up to its banks. My urge to ask Melis to stop with me for just about a half hour to try my hand at those little guys was great. But I knew she wanted to get to the falls, and that she did not want to watch me pursue fish.
We got to the falls, which was in the shade, and the air was filled with the cool mist from the falls. I knew she wouldn’t last long. “You do know this trip is not about fishing right?” she phrased more as a comment than a question. It’s the longest I have hiked to get so few casts—maybe a dozen. I got one to go after an elk hair caddis—missed him. “Okay that was your shot, let’s go,” she says coolly. She wanted to get back because Jac, Hannah and her boyfriend Nick headed back to the car because Hannah is fighting a cold and not feeling well. Calf Creek will definitely see me again, ready to fish next time.

If I did have a complaint about fishing the river, it would be that a lot of hikers are there 365; and they are all those type of tourists that want to ask you what you’re doing, or make small talk about the types of trout you’re after…blah blah blah. But if you got into the river, you may never really see people, because they have their own agenda, hiking up the trail to see the falls.

The ride through hwy 12 was enjoyed by all, the girls and Nick really appreciated the change from Escalante to the high mountain of Boulder. Adding to the pleasure was some classic tunes from the Violent Femmes—Hannah and Jac are now big fans! But by the time we arrived at Torrey, I think the trip was sort of played out. We stayed the night, and tried to do some exploring in Capital Reef, but when it’s over, it’s over… The rest of the drive was nice, and it gave me a chance to do some more of those deep “Vader” breaths. No this trip was not about fishing, but I caught some great times with the girls; and as they get older I am really starting to appreciate them. You start to realize you have to revel in every moment you get with your kids; and my house of women rock!

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