Sunday, May 31, 2020

Casting a line with Madeline

It seems like Madeline was fishing with me as soon as she could walk--give or take a few years. She would sit right next to me in the truck driving to which ever river we picked. She was particularly fond of the Weber and Holy water. I think she liked to drive out to Holy, the experience was the whole package; at least it was to me. But, a dad tends to remember things with rose-colored glasses, hell I'll admit it, I recall most everything with a completely jaded lens. 

She got about 13 and let me know in a not so subtle way that our days fishing were over. I didn't ever imagine those days would end, I envisioned us just fishing our lives away. Over the last 10 years she will occasionally indulge me by going fishing for a day. It would take her about 10 minutes to get into the groove and she’s right back to catching more fish than me. Each time we go, I always pray that she will catch the fever again and take her seat where she belongs right next to me in my truck.

She just graduated college and moved to Vernal to count flora and fauna for the Forest Service, and by God she asked if I would take her and her roommate fishing. I just happen to know of a river or two in that area worth fishing.

I think her and her roommate enjoyed the day, if not the fishing at least the lunch and the day out. Fingers crossed that I’ll be driving to Vernal a lot this summer.

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